TraceTogether Simulation


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
The gif shows how quickly a spread can happen without lockdown.

Legend: Green = Healthy, Yellow = In Contact, Red = Contracted COVID-19

In order to combat COVID-19, Singapore has come up with TraceTogether in an effort to help with contact tracing.
This projects simulates how the data interact with each other to conduct contact tracing.


Shows details of people in the pandemic based off simulated data.
The doughnut chart shows the overall health status.
The bar chart shows which location had covid cases.
The table is used to identify which location had the most covid cases or crowd.

Cluster Map

Shows an overview covid clusters in Singapore based off simulated data
and traces the infected person travelled destinations.

Network Graph

This network graph shows how everyone is connected based off simulated data.

Red = Contracted Covid
Orange = Had close contact with covid patient
Yellow = Been to the same location as covid patient

This page list out details of all the people in the simulated data generated.
